Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Koch Brothers 'Do Unto Others' Alert

Wherein one of the country's wealthiest, most-subsidized corporate boss lectures the overpaid poor:

A conservative mogul worth $43 billion says he knows the secret to helping poor people. According to Charles Koch, the U.S. needs to get rid of the minimum wage, which he counts as a major obstacle to economic growth.


Anonymous said...

Ya! His economic growth. Greedy bastard.

Anonymous said...

And then when there is no minimum wage the people will live communally to survive instead of just living communally when they get put into prison to work for less than minimum wage - as they do now. In the country that has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world. (Jesus Frigging Christ).

Koch says these arrogant megalomaniac comments on occasion. I'm sure this gets him pats on the back from fellow megalomaniacs at the quarterly Americans for Prosperity meetings. The even scarier men are mundane politicians installed by KOCH/AFP who know to stick to less riling talking points. Like Scott Walker.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

HIS economic growth, maybe.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

wow. comment-stomped by a Nonnie. I am abashed.