Thursday, July 3, 2014

Coordination Will Be The New Wisconsin Normal

[Updated 8:02 a.m. Thursday, from 8:56 p.m. Tuesday] You think you've seen Wisconsin political manipulation and cash in motion that gave "coordination" a bad name?

Wait until these deals get made: The Wisconsin taxpayer has paid for buildings, power plants and other properties that can now be sold, on a no-bid basis, with the say-so of Scott Walker, his hand-picked Department of Administration Secretary, and the obeisant Legislative Joint Finance Commission co-chairs.

Note also that properties may be sold - - the state getting a one-time, low-balled payment from the savvy no-competitive-bid bidder that disappears into the General Fund - - and then more tax money flows back to the no-competitive-bid bidder when the state leases the property back.

Who's on which side of that win-win/lose-lose, Taxpayer Loser?

Some history about this modest proposal, here.

Bottom line: the door is wide-open to political and corporate coordinated cronyism and favoritism.


Anonymous said...

It is beyond belief that Walker supporters see this as appropriate. This idea of selling these buildings and then leasing them back to Walker and friends is going to line the pockets of his cronies and donors and screw the taxpayers. Also he will use this fire sale as a one time means to fill in the holes in his already in the red 2013-2015 budget!

Anonymous said...

walker wants to privatize prisons -- 3rd grade test scores are used to project future increases in prison occupency rates (and therefore number of prison beds).

Wisconsin's 3rd grade scores for African American & non-majority are some of the most shameful in the nation.

Privatizing prisons, which Walker supported and advocated for in the assembly, will his out-of-state corporate backers very happy and wealthy.

Which means more $$ for Walker.

Anonymous said...

This budget item was in the original act 10 legislation. And,think it kicked open the door to the Koch allegiance.