Monday, July 15, 2013

Another Fine Water Story By Tom Henry, Toledo Blade

He's a reporter who always knows his stuff:

Climate change and population growth are making the Great Lakes region’s role as a global food producer more important as water shortages become more severe in other parts of the world. 
But even though some agribusinesses within this water-blessed region have growing concerns about future water availability, that message may be hard for area residents to fathom in the short-term because of an unusually long bout of thunderstorms this summer. 
“The coming water crisis will affect everyone and everywhere, including everyone and every community in the Great Lakes region and basin,”said Jim Olson, a Traverse City water-rights lawyer.
And you could read it along with this:
Saturday, JULY 13, 2013 
About Waukesha's Water Plan, Thunder From The North 
The Mayor of Thunder Bay, Ontario is strongly objecting to Waukesha, Wisconsin's plan to divert Lake Michigan water across the boundaries of the Great Lakes basin.  

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